Map & Advice For Uptown Halloween Decoration Hunting

Below is a map with the location marked of all of the Uptown New Orleans Halloween decorations mentioned in yesterday’s post. If you want to set out tonight to give your favorite ones a closer inspection, hopefully this will serve as a useful resource in planning your route.

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of customizing a route, here’s my advice: Definitely drive St. Charles from downtown to Carrollton. Except for the projection house at 2nd and Magazine, skip this major artery and instead drive back on Pitt or, if you don’t want to deal with the potholes and stop signs, Prytania, (though you’ll have to witch to Prytania when you hit the Touro district).

The biggest concentration of decorations are ‘west’ of Jefferson, so as you make your way back downtown, I’d weave through some of the  streets running towards the river, prioritizing in this order: Octavia, State, Nashville, Calhoun, Walnut.

Happy Halloween Hunting & Haunting, and if you like this resource, be sure to share on FB and then email to let me know. If the response in enthusiastic, I’ll compile a similar resource at Christmas!